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Amman, Jordan


Mohammad Qattan is a Hip Hop and Break dancer, who has been active since 2009, and able to perform modern and urban dance. He participated in several commercial performances and contemporary plays since 2018.


Arabic, English

Job Titles

Urban Dance,

Modern Dance,

Physical Theater,



Contact information

External Links

Mohammad Qattan’s participation of “Wujoud wa Hodoud” – 2019 – choreographed and directed by Abd Al Hadi Abunahleh: here

Mohammad Qattan’s participation of “Nine to Five Box” – 2020 – directed by Jamal Suleiman: here

Mohammad Qattan’s participation of “Crossing” – 2021 – choreographed and directed by Abd Al Hadi Abunahleh: here

Online Resume

Photo Gallery

Photography Ghassan Sela

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