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Workshop & Residency

We strive to make stage dance to become a recognized profession in Jordan. 

To achieve that, we work on: 

  1. improving the skills and professionalism of artists within the sector, thereby upgrading the quality of its output. 
  2. building local, regional and international education and production  partners to develop and improve curricula for theatre related subjects. 
  3. developing community solutions for introducing and inspiring children through the arts and creative activities.

Some Examples

In 2019, Studio 8 launched an independent festival,  IDEA – International Dance Encounter Amman, aiming to create bonds between dance professionals from Jordan and abroad.

Central to the ethos of our festival is providing opportunities for emerging young artists, semi- professional and amateur artists, and members of the wider community to participate in dance.



We hope that our continuous efforts could contribute to paving the way for building regional and international partners in the future to develop production and education programs for Jordanian professional dance artists. Jordanian dance artists will no longer stay at the receiving end of an international education program. They too, have something to offer. When they are exchanged by theatres or dance companies in a foreign country, the host theatre or dance company can benefit from the impetus provided by the Jordanian artists, who have already acquired far reaching theatrical experience in Jordan and who, in turn, bring their experience as multipliers of the partner country’s theatrical scene.

What Do We Do?

– promote diversity and inclusion

– be a portal for international collaborations and exchange

– promote dance art and culture in Jordan

– make dance creation and production more accessible 

– encourage dance education and research